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[YNF]≡ Libro Free La Nausee Folio French Edition JeanPaul Sartre 9782070368051 Books

La Nausee Folio French Edition JeanPaul Sartre 9782070368051 Books

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Download PDF La Nausee Folio French Edition JeanPaul Sartre 9782070368051 Books

La Nausee Folio French Edition JeanPaul Sartre 9782070368051 Books

This is a great capture of Sartre's earlier thinking. It's well written and reasonably easy to understand (compared to some of the later works). Reading Sartre in French is the way to go: he makes a lot of use of the sound of words. He also adds to the meaning of what's written by using words with multiple definitions. It's a real struggle for my high school French, but it's worth the effort.

Read La Nausee Folio French Edition JeanPaul Sartre 9782070368051 Books

Tags : La Nausee (Folio) (French Edition) [Jean-Paul Sartre] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <P>Nausea is the story of Antoine Roquentin, a French writer who is horrified at his own existence. In impressionistic,Jean-Paul Sartre,La Nausee (Folio) (French Edition),Gallimard,207036805X,General,African American - General,FICTION African American General,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction General,General & Literary Fiction,Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945),Modern fiction

La Nausee Folio French Edition JeanPaul Sartre 9782070368051 Books Reviews

This book, La Nausee, was certainly a gift from heaven. As I read it in front of the fire, over the shoulder of a gorgeous male, with a pathetic man at the window, I was struck by the poetry of the whole thing. La Nausee speaks about scruples, existentialism, and curmudgeons. Life is not all one big Remington Party, it points out. Au contraire, we must pay attention to love (the heart), honour (the crown), and friendship (the clasped hands). One can lose their soul in this book, so be careful not to get too involved. Not only is it extremely deep, it is also a very attractive book. Angelic!
Unfortunately Veronica Slater is seriously wrong about La Nausee. This book is not a gift from Heaven, nor could it be. It is a gift from Sartre, the existential atheist. If it were a gift from Heaven then Sartre would be a hypocrate, seeming as that he doesn't believe in God. This book is deep, but not for a Philosopher, nor for a true philosophy lover. It introduces the reader to the mind of Sartre, to the truly existential way of mind. It lets the reader know that not everything is as concrete as one has come to accept. And, it is true, the realization that things have no true meaning, that definitions are not of an object's essence, can be quite nauseating. So don't read this book after eating a full course meal...
This novel, written in 1938, was published by Folio much later! You must look in the back of French books to see the printing date. My copy (same cover as pictured) was printed in France in 1978. The cover symbolizes the enormous roots of a chestnut tree the narrator sits next to in the "Jardin public" (public garden) when he realized what "existence" meant. (Sartre was one of the leaders of existentialism in France, which of course has many facets to it, but one is that our own choices in life determine our existence and what it excuses, in other words...) A particular incident occurs at that moment in the park (black woman singing a song) which spurs the narrator to write a novel that will ensure his existence and stand the test of time, endure as a work of art. Sartre, along with most French intellectuals, had immense respect for black culture, African as well as African-American, and regarded it as very special. I was lucky enough to have met Sartre and sat with him on stage at a rally in Paris in the late 60s early 70s. He risked jail to protest the Vietnam war (but was not arrested as far as I remember). I think his philosophy can be summarized by a saying we have now that "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."
Just as promised
This is a great capture of Sartre's earlier thinking. It's well written and reasonably easy to understand (compared to some of the later works). Reading Sartre in French is the way to go he makes a lot of use of the sound of words. He also adds to the meaning of what's written by using words with multiple definitions. It's a real struggle for my high school French, but it's worth the effort.
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