Destiny Fire Trisha Wolfe Books

Destiny Fire Trisha Wolfe Books
Within the first two chapters, I was completely sucked into this cool alternate world which is a fascinating mix of modern technology, Egyptian mythology, and paranormal elements. As typical when beginning these types of books, I experienced a little confusion at first as I tried to grasp the unfamiliar names of the different races, etc. But I was surprised by how quickly I was able to run with it, which to me means that the author did a great job in setting up the world. The world building was definitely a huge part of my enjoyment of this book.The other thing I loved - the characters. Dez (with one exception that I'll go into later) is a great narrator with a believable voice and I liked her immediately. Her childhood friends, the triplets Jace, Lana and Nick, each have distinct personalities that felt well thought out. I liked the relationship the siblings have with each other, as well as each one's relationship with Dez. Reese's character was also well done.
But now for the bad - the love triangle. Definitely took the story down a notch by making it seem a bit immature/childish. Now I am not one of those people who cringe at the words "love triangle." I actually LOVE a good love triangle...when done right. But the one here fell short for me. I think it was because of the way Dez dealt with the 2 guys. She was so wishy washy, going back and forth, kissing one while supposedly trying to make it work with the other. I didn't like it even more for the fact that her immaturity here didn't seem to fit into her otherwise levelheaded and straightforward character. Here is the only time her narrative annoyed the crap out of me, as she was feeling oh so torn between the two guys. I just couldn't sympathize with her, nor could I really get myself to care over who she would choose.
Other than the one bad element, this was an overall good read. It seems like it is part of a series, but I felt it was a good stand-alone, and I don't know if I need to read the next book.
On a side note - I really loved the clothing described in the book. Leather pants and a corset? Bustles? Love it!

Tags : Destiny's Fire (9781936305988): Trisha Wolfe: Books,Trisha Wolfe,Destiny's Fire,Omnific Publishing,1936305984,Romance - General,Fantasy fiction,Shapeshifting,Supernatural,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Steampunk,Juvenile FictionSteampunk,Love & Romance,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage),Steampunk,Young Adult Fiction,Young Adult Fiction Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Steampunk
Destiny Fire Trisha Wolfe Books Reviews
Why did I pick this?
Reading around Twitter, I heard so much about Trisha Wolfe and her debut novel. Most of my twitter friends had read this and raved about it. I traveled over to my good friend Andrea's blog The Bookish Babes where she was hosting a blog tour. I read her review and wanted to read it myself.
Not only that but as I've said in many of my other posts, I'm a sucker for great covers. This cover is amazing! The girl is so gorgeous even with the goofy goggles The bright colors just draw the eye and everything flows so well. I <3 it!
Sooooooo.....What did I think?
Ummmm.....Definately a keeper. I really really REALLY enjoyed this book. Everything was non-stop. The romance, the action, the deception, EVERYTHING. I fell in love with all the characters as well.
Wolfe has a way with words to make you feel like you are actually there seeing these hover bikes and steamships just chilling in the background. Even with all the drama, it sounded like such an interesting place to be.
I said there was action, right? Yes....yes there definately was. You never really knew which way Wolfe was going to take you. I loved every second of it. I love a book that always keeps you guessing and this does exactly that.
I also said that there is romance. There are TONS of hot scenes with two exceptionally hot guys. I will say that I am a Jace fan more than Reese though. I think it's because I'm a huge fan of the name Jace and I'm pretty partial to it.
This was a really great book with just the right amount of steampunk. I've never really read too many steampunk books. This was probably my first one. I liked it a lot. I'm excited to not only read more steampunk but more Trisha Wolfe.
Wolfe really knows how to capture your attention and completely hold it hostage.
As far as a main character, Dez is perfect. She is everything I look for when I read books. Spunk, snark, sass and she can defend herself and kick your a** if she deems it. (I will admit that I did not know her full name was the main title. Yes....I am a goob )
Dez is very smart and very very compassionate. There isn't too many things that get on my nerves but a simpering girl main character totally turns me off. I like to read about strong, independant women who take care of themselves. Dez does exactly that. She has a great personality and I love her.
I'm really really glad that I grabbed this book. I don't think I would have seen this book without the use of Twitter. So many of my tweeps read this book and told me I needed to read it ASAP. I'm so glad I did!
Quote time!!! YAY!
For a moment I was shocked-unable to move. His touch sent shivers rippling over my skin as his eyes held mine. His weight bearing down on me felt intimate. His face hovered above mine, but then he moved in, lowering... *fans self*
He smiled. "Say that again."
"My name." He leaned forward and traced his finger across my jawline. "You've never said it before. Sounds sexy when you do."
When I first picked up this book, I wasn’t sure what I was going to think. Though I love Trisha Wolfe’s writing and I feel in love with Astarte’s Wrath (Kythan Guardians #0.5), Destiny’s Fire was based on a slightly younger YA audience compared to her latest releases. Then there was the steampunk theme, which for a futuristic outlook I wasn’t sure how I was going to react. And it was also her first debut book. So honestly, I totally didn’t know what to expect.
Fortunately, I wasn’t disappointed!
Yes, Astarte’s Wrath is a bit faster paced and more intense and I like the stronger Egyptian theme to it, but Destiny’s Fire (Kythan Guardians #1) was amazing YA novel to read! Seriously! I fell in love with pretty much everything, even the steampunk. And all the characters, especially Dez, were awesome. Not exactly as kick ass as Trisha Wolfe’s other characters, but Dez was definitely strong in so many other ways. I particularly loved her courage and how much she cared for her friends.
However, I wasn’t really a major fan of the love triangle between Reese, Jace, and Dez. It was so obvious Reese was the one—sorry, Jace fans. He and Dez were more alike in so many ways, and he was a mystery. I mean, I totally knew Reese was hiding something from the start—I just didn’t realize what it was until the very last moment. Okay, I fell for him, hard!
The only let down, really, is that there isn’t a sequel to jump right into. I would love to see the prophecy fulfilled and I want to read more!
Within the first two chapters, I was completely sucked into this cool alternate world which is a fascinating mix of modern technology, Egyptian mythology, and paranormal elements. As typical when beginning these types of books, I experienced a little confusion at first as I tried to grasp the unfamiliar names of the different races, etc. But I was surprised by how quickly I was able to run with it, which to me means that the author did a great job in setting up the world. The world building was definitely a huge part of my enjoyment of this book.
The other thing I loved - the characters. Dez (with one exception that I'll go into later) is a great narrator with a believable voice and I liked her immediately. Her childhood friends, the triplets Jace, Lana and Nick, each have distinct personalities that felt well thought out. I liked the relationship the siblings have with each other, as well as each one's relationship with Dez. Reese's character was also well done.
But now for the bad - the love triangle. Definitely took the story down a notch by making it seem a bit immature/childish. Now I am not one of those people who cringe at the words "love triangle." I actually LOVE a good love triangle...when done right. But the one here fell short for me. I think it was because of the way Dez dealt with the 2 guys. She was so wishy washy, going back and forth, kissing one while supposedly trying to make it work with the other. I didn't like it even more for the fact that her immaturity here didn't seem to fit into her otherwise levelheaded and straightforward character. Here is the only time her narrative annoyed the crap out of me, as she was feeling oh so torn between the two guys. I just couldn't sympathize with her, nor could I really get myself to care over who she would choose.
Other than the one bad element, this was an overall good read. It seems like it is part of a series, but I felt it was a good stand-alone, and I don't know if I need to read the next book.
On a side note - I really loved the clothing described in the book. Leather pants and a corset? Bustles? Love it!

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