The Inspector Scandalous Night The Curse of the Coleraines Book 1 edition by Katy Madison Romance eBooks

The Inspector Scandalous Night The Curse of the Coleraines Book 1 edition by Katy Madison Romance eBooks
Engaging story line and unforgettable characters. I love atypical heroines and Henry is certainly that. :-) Great storyline that will keep you turning the pages. I'm looking forward to book 2 in the series.
Tags : The Inspector's Scandalous Night (The Curse of the Coleraines Book 1) - Kindle edition by Katy Madison. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Katy Madison,The Inspector's Scandalous Night (The Curse of the Coleraines Book 1),Katy Madison,FICTION Gothic,FICTION Romance Historical Victorian
The Inspector Scandalous Night The Curse of the Coleraines Book 1 edition by Katy Madison Romance eBooks Reviews
Intriguing. I don't normally read mysteries but I found myself drawn to Henry. She was doing a great job in a man's world before it was what was done. Barnabas was so quirky and witty and just wanted to love her so much but the obstacles were many. I found that I couldn't put this book down until I knew how would end up. Would love to see where they go from here.
This was the first time that I had read anything by this author and found it a great start to the series. It was a very enjoyable tale with a heroine who stands out from the stereotypical female of the period, which her enquiring mind and crafted questioning. Based on this story, I hope to enjoy more from this author.
I was gifted this book in exchange for an honest opinion.
I love romance and this historical romance was a book that I thoroughly enjoyed. Reading the blurb for the book, I was excited to see that this was also going to be a mystery story. I was not disappointed. Henry was a great character, love that Henry is actually the female trying to solve the case as well as Barnabas, the actual detective. The dynamic between the two was great and that they were so compatible and determined to solve the case and keep going until they found the truth. Being able to find a light in the middle of all of the darkness taking place around them showed and being able to write it such a way that it didn't take away from the mystery of the case shows the talent of the author. Highly recommended.
I really enjoyed this story. Barnabas is a smart man when it comes to crime solving. He is distracted by Henry from the get go, and his smarts seem to get jumbled. Henry is a female reporter, trying to prove herself in a man's world. The two work well together, but his job as an inspector for Scotland Yard means he should not be talking to her at all, let alone falling in love with her. There is humorous dialogue, and Henry is a very strong, independent woman with a past that distorts her focus. She learns about love and how to look with a more critical eye from Barnabas. I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the rest of this series.
I was able to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
The Inspector Scandalous Night is not your typical mystery book. It has a little bit of everything going on, from murder and mystery to love and romance. I liked this book because it was real. The budding relationship wasn't perfect and had many hiccups along the way like family disagreeing, clashing careers, and lack of communication in some places, which was frustrating yet made you connect with the main characters. I could not put this book down it was so good. It keeps you guessing about who the murderer is throughout the entire book. I loved it. I can't wait for the next one. Very well written and I will definitely be reading it again.
This is my first time in reading this author and picked it because it contained mystery. I have also come to realize after reading this one that novels set back in time have just as much mystery alone because of the time they are set in with endless possibilities on where a author could go with the characters. Henry is a woman in a predominant field waiting for her chance at a inside scoop. Setting not far from her is the inspector investigating the case she so wants to be the feature writer on. She is also taking a chance because she is not escorted but tries to cover that fact up. Breaking the ice so to speak she does get her beginning but it will also be the beginning of alot more than she would of thought. Baranabas is so attracted to Henry he finds himself forgetting sometimes that a case is where his head should be but it will also be the cement for him to get partnered unwilling with the one woman who will change his mind and heart on alot of things. This author will also keep you guessing and at times throw you for a loop on who the killer could be and if the one suspected is or not. Henry of course is better at getting answers with the author showing her to be quite a woman of her day. When they do start discovering each other the author does it like a fine instrument that is played with pleasure and enjoyment. They make for a fine investigative couple that I could see them doing more in the further down the road with cases. They compliment each other with between the two they got more answers than when apart. But of course her inquisitive mind thought of good questions. Like I said because of the time it was set in that alone had me guessing on how these two would be with just the right blend in the romance. I was though left with a question or two at the end where the case was concerned but not on where they were headed.
Mysteriously historical romance, would not have been something I would have thought I would like. Going into this story, I was caught by the promise of a good mystery. I never expected to fall so deeply into this story. I was right there with Henry and Barnabas, I wanted to know who had done this. I was with them through there 36 hour stay ups and stake outs, and interviews of the witness'. I simply HAD to know.
What I didn't expect was to be rooting for the budding romance. At times I wanted to jump into the pages and knock a few people in the head for the sheer obliviousness they held towards love. While this is a growing problem in the world of fiction, it made me not want to put this book down. I was flipping through it so fast that I looked down and had merely a few pages left and this thought entered my mind " Wait, What? Seriously?" and then it's just over and I sit there with a dumbfounded look because the book just broke my mind. It wasn't at all how I thought it would be and that was amazing. It was so refreshing to be completely surprised by a story. I thank you Katy Madison for an amazing story, I am definitely looking forward to reading more of your work.
Engaging story line and unforgettable characters. I love atypical heroines and Henry is certainly that. -) Great storyline that will keep you turning the pages. I'm looking forward to book 2 in the series.

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