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[S3Z]∎ Descargar Gratis Area 187 Almost Hell eBook Eric Lowther

Area 187 Almost Hell eBook Eric Lowther

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Download PDF Area 187  Almost Hell eBook Eric Lowther

Area 187 Almost Hell eBook Eric Lowther

This book was phenomenal - it's like Tom Clancy crossed with George Romero and some Peter Merideth mixed in for good measure. The intrigue, action, horror, and gore are some of the very best. I loved the characters and the dynamic development. Tromping through Zombified Appalachia is going to change a person for all time, no doubt about it. [Insert banjo riff from Deliverence here.] The plot keeps you glued to the novel for its entire (full!) length. This isn't a skimpy serial so that is saying a lot.

The one element that detracted from the book for me was the writing about firearms. I have a hard time when a revolver is fitted with a silencer in film or in a novel... Once that happens so much credibility is lost. It's just such a basic thing. One minute of conversation with the guy manning the counter at your local gun store would be all the research needed. Some of the descriptions of other silenced weapons were also a bit preposterous - silencer is not an accurate term. A rifle fitted with a suppressor is relatively quiet. The key word is relatively - as in a very loud noise is quiet relative to a very, very, very loud noise.

But it's a novel about zombies so I imagined that there had been some future innovations in design of weapons, suppressors, and ammunition, and got on with enjoying the hell out of the story.

Read Area 187  Almost Hell eBook Eric Lowther

Tags : Area 187 - Almost Hell eBook: Eric Lowther: Kindle Store,ebook,Eric Lowther,Area 187 - Almost Hell,Twisted Library Press,FICTION Horror,FICTION General

Area 187 Almost Hell eBook Eric Lowther Reviews

As my title states, this book is full of action, intrigue, politics and coverups, providing a fantastic read with a whole new different twist to the zombie genre. It's not your typical clawing and biting zombie filled survival novel, although there's plenty of that which does go on, just not at a level one is used to when reading a zombie novel.

I like the entire premise of how the author layed out this story line. A virus released, people infected and become zombie's. But the government is able to contain the spread within a bordered area...Area 187. The survivors, runners, diggers, robbers, reporters and those who don't want to be found, are all wrapped up in a conspiracy that could get them killed if they said the wrong thing to the wrong person.

From the very beginning, this story gripped me, casting my mind into the mystery of how the story unfolded and kept me entranced, with a desire of wanting to find out more and more about where it was going. For a 600+ page novel, it did not disappoint me one bit, and was well worth the money spent. My experience presented a clean and well layed out story line that had virtually no editing issues and flowed with a sense of continuity throughout the book. I thought the main characters were well developed and presented a pretty well rounded example of how a lot of people are in real life. Although the expletives used throughout the novel were a bit much, and could have been toned down a lot without sacrificing the meaning or gist of the story, I understand the extent of use to portray a type of character or the situation being presented.

I will look into reading more from this author.
Of late I have been reading primarily zombie fiction. I really need to get a life but first let me say this This is one of the best zombie books I have EVER read. When my told me I was closing in on 75% read, I slowed down so I could savor the rest of the book - the first 75% went very quickly - too quickly. Truth be told, as bad as the zombies are (they're the slow variety), they must take a back seat to the pure evil evinced by several of the antagonists. I am reminded of Sartre's famous dictum "Hell is other people." I think the author realizes this and the zombies take a back seat to the people who are hiding some terrible secrets about area 187. To make matters worse, some of the still-human denizens of area 187 have degenerated into characters even worse than the zombies - truly perverted and twisted people.
It seems a government experiment with a dangerous bacterium takes a bad turn and people are infected only to rise again - with a fierce and mindless desire to nosh on other people - the living kind. The story begins several years after the event - a large area, including most of West Virginia, is fenced off and vigorously patrolled to keep the zombies in and curious people out. The barrier is, however, porous enough to allow adventurers and profiteers access to zombie land - where they pursue missions of mercy - or greed - depending on their motives. One of these is a pure-hearted - but extremely angry and violent John Heath. Heath has tried for years to find his wife - without success. He eventually gives up and returns to the "world" outside of area 187. An aggressive and curious television reporter tries to get Heath to join her in a forbidden mission into area 187. Then the shit storm begins. The story is incredibly well-told. The characters are believable and so well developed, I'd recognize them if they knocked on my door. The story takes so many twists and turns that my adrenaline levels spiked on several occasions. Eric Lowther has knocked this one out of the park - and managed to tear the cover off the ball at the same time. I will be waiting - anxiously - for his next effort. If he's not working on another book, I'm going to kidnap him and take HIM into area 187! If this review works for you, make a note Another writer, DJ Molles, is similarly gifted in this narrow genre. If you enjoyed "Area 187" as much as I did, you will love Molles' books "The Remaining" and "The Remaining Aftermath."
This book was phenomenal - it's like Tom Clancy crossed with George Romero and some Peter Merideth mixed in for good measure. The intrigue, action, horror, and gore are some of the very best. I loved the characters and the dynamic development. Tromping through Zombified Appalachia is going to change a person for all time, no doubt about it. [Insert banjo riff from Deliverence here.] The plot keeps you glued to the novel for its entire (full!) length. This isn't a skimpy serial so that is saying a lot.

The one element that detracted from the book for me was the writing about firearms. I have a hard time when a revolver is fitted with a silencer in film or in a novel... Once that happens so much credibility is lost. It's just such a basic thing. One minute of conversation with the guy manning the counter at your local gun store would be all the research needed. Some of the descriptions of other silenced weapons were also a bit preposterous - silencer is not an accurate term. A rifle fitted with a suppressor is relatively quiet. The key word is relatively - as in a very loud noise is quiet relative to a very, very, very loud noise.

But it's a novel about zombies so I imagined that there had been some future innovations in design of weapons, suppressors, and ammunition, and got on with enjoying the hell out of the story.
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