The Ex Games The Romantic Comedies Jennifer Echols Books

The Ex Games The Romantic Comedies Jennifer Echols Books
The Ex Games is a young adult romantic comedy. It's about Hayden and her ex boyfriend Nick, challenging each other to a snow boarding competition, to see if a girl can really beat a boy at snow boarding. However things start to get out of control when it's not just Nick and Hayden and there friends going to be showing up to the competition. Somehow every one all over town has heard about it, and will be showing it. It turns out to be this huge deal, but Hayden has a problem, she's afraid of heights since she broke her leg more than four years ago. I enjoyed this book a lot, it was very entertaining, and funny. But the fact that Nick and Hayden keep having these same "arguments" and doing the same thing to each other repeatedly got very annoying. It really made my opinion drop of the book because of this. Otherwise it was a very well written book, with an interesting plot, and lots of high school drama, and girl vs. boy competition! I give this book a 3 out of 5 stars. It would have been a lot better if certain things in the book weren't constantly being repeated.
Tags : The Ex Games (The Romantic Comedies) (9781416978466): Jennifer Echols: Books,Jennifer Echols,The Ex Games (The Romantic Comedies),Simon Pulse,1416978461,Children's Books - Young Adult Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Humorous Stories,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction Sports & Recreation Winter Sports,Love & Romance,Sports & Recreation - Winter Sports
The Ex Games The Romantic Comedies Jennifer Echols Books Reviews
I have read "Going Too Far" and "Major Crush" both by Jennifer Echols, and loved those books. So, I was expecting to like "The Ex Games" at least just as much. On the pro side, this contained some some clever chapter set-ups (each chapter starts with a definition that can be applied to both snowboarding and the relationship) and there was also some depth to what drove the characters. However, on the con side, I just couldn't get into the story because just when you think Nick and Hayden's relationship is going somewhere, almost immediately afterwards (like in the next sentence or paragraph), another issue or misunderstanding would pop up. It was kind of frustrating b/c it felt a bit like "Groundhog Day" with these two where you almost wanted them to just move on. It was a nice story and premise for a book, I guess I just wanted to like this book more than I did.
I loved Nick and Hayden!
How many times has this scenerio been played in High School....Yes, some cute-shortlived-middle school romance that goes awry-only to secretly remain hidden within the hearts of the two main characters......and through some "peer intervention" is finally put on the right track in High School!!!
Wonderfully written ( but then again what Jennifer Echols book isn't) For my daughter and myself there were many "sigh" happy moments-----as well as "duh", oof and OMG she did not say that!......very few writers really capture those first gut wrenching pangs of romance or the anticipation of that first kiss that comes complete with nervous dialogue, shivers, gasps and yes, soft lips on boys................
Although Ms Echols has written from Hayden's point of view-we still manage to get a glimpse of Nick's emotional roller-coaster ride as well. That is what makes these books very enjoyable the first and 20th time you read them.
Buy the book and visualize it for yourself.
I am from Belgium en here is my opinion for this book.
I am very happy to read books in English because they translate here in Belgium Some books but not So good.
somtimes there are words missing or something like that.
i like to read them from here and here i go try to give my opinion about it.
I am saying that my spelling is not so good.
sorry for this
But i do my best to help.
I thought this was a good book.
And was quickly read.
There was not really anything just a nice end so i slept Well
There was a litle action,love,romance ,.....
And a happy end
So a lovely book for me
My Thoughts I love the Simon Romantic Comedies! I know some of you aren't fond of the cartoon covers but I adore these books! They are sooo cute! We meet Hayden aka Hoyden and Nick. Hayden and Nick used to date in 7th grade! Some embarrassing events happened, they broke up and have been at eachother's throats ever since. They both think they are so good at snowboarding and somehow get wrapped up in a challenge, a battle of the sexes. I loved this book. I didn't know if they were going to beat up one another or start making out! The tension between them is HOT! I could see myself falling for Nick. He acts all cool and thinks he's all that, but really he's just a sweet guy who has the hots for Hayden but can't tell her because he just wants to come off as cool. So instead he picks on her constantly! This book is fun and so far the best Simon Romantic Comedie I've read so far!
Overall Great! One of my favs! Loved it!
Cover Very cute! I don't mind the cartoon characters. Once you start reading the comedies you'll want to read them all!!
What I'd Give It 5/5 Cupcakes
Taken From Princess Bookie
While I agree with previous reviewer's that this book was cute, I just found myself flippin through it to "get to the good parts". There were flashes of darn close to excellent though. The verbal sparring at the beginning was amusing, and while it was clear from even that point that Hayden and Nick would end up together, Jenifer Echols did an pretty good job of creating the sort of romantic friction that make a couple likable from the start.
The main problem for me was that I quickly grew weary of Hayden's flightiness and Nick's constant "flicking back his hair with his pinkie"..really? I even found myself rolling my eyes at some parts of the book.
I cant help but think maybe this was originally a shorter story and the author had to flesh it out to make it longer. Because while the initial misunderstanding that snowballed was handled quite deftly, when it was resolved and Hayden and Nick reconcile, five minutes later another misunderstanding pops up that seems completely out of place and they're angry at each other again and you're left saying "Wha? Where did that come from?"
It grew tiresome to see them flirt, maybe kiss, then one of them gets mad storms off and two pages laters it's like nothing happened.
Drama queens the both of them.
Overall, it was a satisfying bit of literary candy floss. Light, sweet and enjoyable while it lasted, but you dont really savor it so much as just mindless nibble it.
The Ex Games is a young adult romantic comedy. It's about Hayden and her ex boyfriend Nick, challenging each other to a snow boarding competition, to see if a girl can really beat a boy at snow boarding. However things start to get out of control when it's not just Nick and Hayden and there friends going to be showing up to the competition. Somehow every one all over town has heard about it, and will be showing it. It turns out to be this huge deal, but Hayden has a problem, she's afraid of heights since she broke her leg more than four years ago. I enjoyed this book a lot, it was very entertaining, and funny. But the fact that Nick and Hayden keep having these same "arguments" and doing the same thing to each other repeatedly got very annoying. It really made my opinion drop of the book because of this. Otherwise it was a very well written book, with an interesting plot, and lots of high school drama, and girl vs. boy competition! I give this book a 3 out of 5 stars. It would have been a lot better if certain things in the book weren't constantly being repeated.

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